About Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a depression subtype that recurs at intervals marked by seasonal change. People with seasonal affective disorder suffer from fatigue, changes to appetite and sleep patterns, and difficulty concentrating, among other symptoms, which can be even more disorienting because of their seasonal nature. Seasonal affective disorder most commonly occurs as winter approaches, but can manifest during any season.
Ketamine and Seasonal Affective Disorder
Individuals with seasonal affective disorder may suffer from other depression disorders outside the affected season, or they may otherwise be perfectly healthy. This variability in symptoms can make seasonal affective disorder difficult to treat through traditional means. Treatments of ketamine for seasonal affective disorder have been shown to improve symptoms of depression.
Each person and condition is unique, so we developed a process to ensure you have the best outcomes from your infusions. At Veritas MindHealth, we take extra time to understand your condition and challenges when creating a treatment plan. Our Medical Director developed this process after 30 years of administering anesthesia to thousands of individuals.
Your comfort is our priority. Your treatment will take place in your own private, well-lit room in our quiet office, and will be monitored directly by our medical director, not a nurse or assistant.